Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Letter's to my Love. Six,

Hello love,

I don't really feel like commenting on your behavior today so instead i'll just show you how I wish it was.

One day, when you find the girl of your dreams treat her like this..

hopefully it will be me,

Things boys should do for girls;
Things you should do/understand for me.

We like it when a man can hold a conversation with us that has nothing to do with sex.

We like to know that we can trust our man, no matter what. So don't eyeball everything that walks in front of you while you’re with your girl.

Boys need to understand that money alone will not keep a relationship.
->We need more money than you have.
->We will make more than you, someday ;)

We need to know that we can count on you. That means for example that you don’t postpone a date with your girl just because you want to go to a football game with your buddies.

We want to know that we can trust you and that you trust us.

Don't think that you can go away (doing whatever you want to do) and think that she is going to sit at home next to the phone, just waiting for you to call!! If you can hang out with your friends she can do it too.

We may forgive, but we never forget anything.

We love to hear we're beautiful, sometimes.

Tell her that you love her. She can’t read your mind.

Be spontaneous! Don’t just take us out for dinner and a movie, do something special.

Don't always expect us to call you. The phone works both ways!!

Birthdays, V-day, & Anniversaries are important to us...

If YOU kiss us… Know that we're going to expect you to call us!!! Don't be an *** about it! YOU MADE THE FIRST MOVE!!

If we have a big game, meeting, competition, or any kind of important

Don't brag about the size of your manhood, it just makes you look really stupid.

Once we break up or break things off.. It's WRONG to be interested or to date a close friend of ours! Even if we say we don’t care.

Be there for us when we need you. This can be with a smile, a call, a kiss, a hug, a
visit or just by listening to us.

We like and want sex just as much as you guys do.

Do some thinking and come up with a cute name for us and don’t dare to give us the same one as you gave your ex-girlfriend!!

Hold her hand all the time.

Treat us specially! Open doors for us, give us your coat when we‘re cold, don't let us walk near the curb carry her purse and so on…

Watch whatever we want to watch and don’t complain!!!

Every girl is different, so whatever you do, make it as personal as possible.

Boys should go up to girls and just talk to them, they should have the b*lls to do that.

Be Confident girls know when you get nervous. AND IT ISN’T SEXY.

We definatly like guys that aren't afraid to dirty dance with us even if they don't know us!

So like, talk to us and let us know how u feel, but also understand that u aren't the only guy who is our friend.

Girls love it when they get hugged from behind.

Girls love it when the guy seems as if he cant get enough of her, e.g. holding hands, random kissing on lips/nose/neck

For some unknown reason even to us, its true that some girls are attracted to assholes.

When a girl calls you up, SHE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU. Not a 3 minute conversation doing, it makes her feel wanted.

Not all girls masturbate...we just don't and no we are not lying.

We hate porn.

Hmmmm...guys in Jeeps...yummmm...

We think about you all the time.

We are not your all-night restaurant.

Anything we say or do during that 4 days to a week each month cannot be held against us. [for all the guys who are saying huh? it means PERIOD]

If you hold our hand while you are driving we will be thoroughly impressed.

You look hot in Polo Shirts and Timberland Shoes.

If you think for any reason that we don't like you then we probably don't.

Walks in the rain, kisses on the forehead, and cooking dinner for us will get you everywhere.

If you're developing such good finger skills playing video games, you better put them to good use sometimes.

We need:

1. Protection: and if you really love her then you will be who she needs you to be. If you can't do that, maybe you're NOT the right guy for her.

2. Romance: Do your best as far as this one goes, guys, I know its a tough one.

3. Fun: THE KEY TO GIRLS IS FUN!! but above anything, sense of humour counts the most. Make a girl laugh and the guy will automatically be 10x hotter in her eyes - make a girl laugh and you can make a girl do anything.

4. Compliments: Girls need chocolate candys and compliments to survive.

5. Comfort: When you're girl is feeling down on herself or about life in general, you're going to have to figure out your own way to make her feel better. But, being cute and nice are usually a good place to start. Start off by listening to her, ask her to tell you what's bothering her and listen to what she has to say. Then its a good idea to find some sort of chocolate or ice cream and fix it up for her, and then do something fun with her.

Until my heart gives out,
I love you.

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