Hello again my love, i just got back from school and I was
actually thinking about you the entire day. I forgot the fact that you wouldn't be in today, so on the bus ride home i thought about how much more fun it would've been if you were there.
Things aren't easy in my life right now, i'm utterly confused. Am I crazy for expressing my feelings on the internet for the world to see? Am I crazy for creating a website solely to send you imaginary letters? And the question I wonder most often; Am I crazy for loving you?
It's hard to think about how things used to be, for example when i first met you, and this is where the story continues...
As I was saying, I thought i would never see you again, you were gone forever and there was nothing i could do about it until my parents decided that the house we had found was the one.
I was filled with joy, I loved the look of the new house and the promise it told, the promise i would in fact get to see you again.
I spent every single day fantasizing about meeting you, moving into the new house...
When the day finally came I was ecstatic.
Leaving my best friend was hard, but in the hopes of finding a new one, one who could one day be MORE then a best friend, made the negative thought leave my head.
Sitting here now, cold and alone on a rainy day, I think about what you're doing right now, wondering if I ever cross your mind.
trust me, the story will continue...
Until My heart gives out
I love you.

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